alandixon40 31st March 2012

To Michael & Paulette / family. I only met mum a few times in the early 1990's , when you were involved in PR and Fashion.Recently I have attended a few funeral's as many of our parents are getting older. Michael having attended the funeral service on such a Glorious sun shinning day, I know mum is so proud of you as she looks down on us.I felt so much love and affection being at the funeral celebrations of Mum Ruby's life. It is so true there were mixed emotions. But all the inspirational songs and good stories and the difficult periods made me feel like I knew mum very well. It was evident with so many ministers that attended and all the loved ones, that mum was so loved by everyone. Normally I feel down when I leave a funeral as it is a difficult time for all who are close.Yesterday I really felt the faith of the Lord's great spirit give you and your family and myself that extra strength . I have had a few bereavements in my own family and it brought back memories of how to deal with a loss of someone so close. We all have to go through this at some stage of our lives. Reading the order of service and seeing all the warm fun vibrant pictures shows that mum lived life to the fullest, something we all can learn from Mum Ruby. Finally Michael I can see Mum's positive life skills have been instilled in you which makes you the great person who you are today.God Bless you Paulette and your family and my prayers go out to all of you . Over the years I often stop from my busy schedule and pray for protection of all my friends and family and about life generally. . I will continue to do this even if we do not see each other. Will be in contact soon .Love from Alan & Dixon Family .Dawn Butler (MP) and friends that know you send their condolences .